Suvastu has been in the Real Estate

Development Industry for the past 25 years. We acknowledge a piece of Land for the Landowner is one of the most valued property for him or her. Landowners will look for someone they can rely or trust upon when they handover their asset. At Standard Landmark Ltd our business policy is Transparency and Integrity. We care for your land like our own. We work to develop your land in an environmentally friendly manner so that the surroundings are not adversely affected. You are invited to be our Partner for a developed and modern Bangladesh.

Key Strengths of Standard Landmark Ltd

Standard Landmark Ltd caters to the premium and innovative sector of the Real Estate Industry at Prestigious Landmarks, and to achieve that we like to bring everyone connected with us under one roof, by treating all as our “Partners”. Referring to our Innovative Approaches to achieve Excellence in Design and Construction, High-end Customer Services, and overall Integrity in fair business practice, we ensure to provide one of the best experiences and ecstasy for our “Partners”.